Inclement Weather Policy

Olivet Congregational Church Inclement Weather Policy approved by Council 1/9/24

  1. The personal safety of our community is of utmost importance, especially during and after adverse weather conditions. Attendees are urged in the strongest terms possible to use their own discretion and judgment at all times in determining if conditions warrant attendance to regular worship services.
  2. Inclement weather is defined as conditions that interfere with safe driving and parking (snow, heavy rain, and ice) or that render the sanctuary inhospitable/unsafe (extreme heat). 
  3. In such conditions, it shall be at the discretion of the pastor and the moderator whether to hold regularly scheduled in-person worship and other programming. 
  4. Church staff shall be responsible for informing the congregation of worship and other programming status as soon as is practical. This shall be done through updates to the Church’s website (on the News page) and emails to the Church’s distribution list, as well as phone calls as necessary. 
  5. When in-person worship cannot be held, Olivet will offer Zoom worship at the normally scheduled time, prepared and coordinated by the pastor and staff. 
  6. Notice of Zoom worship and information about accessing the service will be available on the website and through the email distribution list, in so far as possible, no later than 9:00 p.m. Saturday night.
  7. In the case of other church activities canceled due to weather, staff will strive to offer a Zoom alternative when practical and possible. 
  8. Staff will take steps to communicate with the congregation about the existence of this policy, including making the policy available on the church website.
  9. During regular office hours, it shall be at the discretion of the pastor to offer staff the option of working remotely.